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In order to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China, deeply study and implement the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, implement the conference spirit of "never forget the original mind and remember the mission" theme education, and actively respond to the requirements of Yuecheng District Committee and Doumen Street Party Working Committee, the Party branch of the company launched the "never forget the original mind and remember the mission" theme education activity on the afternoon of September 15.
At the meeting, Shen Qiuxian, deputy secretary of the Party branch, first conveyed the spirit of the meeting of the District Committee on the theme of "never forget your original mind and remember your mission", she said The theme education activity of "never forget the original mind and keep the mission in mind" is a major event in the political life of Party members. All Party members should "keep the original mind, take the mission, find the gap and grasp the implementation". Together with the members present, they learned the first chapter of "never forget the original mind and keep the mission in mind" the first chapter of "the original mind and mission of the Communist Party of China is to seek happiness for the Chinese people and recover for the Chinese nation" Xing and the tenth chapter "new era needs new atmosphere and new achievements".

Then, Li Sheng, general manager of the company, stressed that through learning, we should combine the theme education spirit with the specific work practice, so as to achieve the unity of knowledge and practice. The implementation of "original intention" and "mission" to the enterprise is to enhance learning, promote the improvement of business capacity, and ultimately seek development for the enterprise. Only continuous development can realize the original intention and mission. Only by combining theoretical knowledge with practical work and applying thematic education and learning in practice can we realize the great significance of thematic education and learning.

Finally, all members of the party, in a collective oath, relive the solemn commitment and firm determination of the party's oath, accept baptism of spirit under the party's flag, remember the political responsibilities and historical mission of the Communists, keep the advanced nature of the Communists, and throw themselves into work with more enthusiasm, and give full play to the exemplary vanguard role of the Communists, and keep the political foundation of the Communist Party members forever. Color.


